For a while I'm going to concentrate on birdhouses. The garden is fine--garlic up, almost all cleaned up, planted some peas, spinach, chard, kale, lettuce, radishes. Then it rained, so they should be good. I've been trying to figure out how to keep records better on the birdhouses, so I'll try the blog.
We've put up a new houses this year, and more coming. There'll be a map soon. For now, photos of each house--rather dull, I'm sure but over the years it might make a nice monitoring project.
The big excitement so far is that over the winter a porcupine ate House 22, formerly occupied by chickadees. And I mean at the whole thing except part of the back that was nailed to the tree. Shawn says they like the glue in particle board. Last weekend we put up a new house on a post (hoping it'll survive longer). I put some sawdust in the bottom because Teri says they like that. One week later it's full of moss!
House 5 |
House 6 |
House 7 |
House 8 |
House 10 |