We got quite a bit done this weekend. Nothing like the threat of rain to motivate us to get to work.
Friday was a beautiful day. Saturday was supposed to start raining at 11, but kindly held off until 5 or so. Saturday night and Sunday brought 2.5 inches of rain--a record. Now there's flooding along the Grande Ronde River, but we are luckily high and dry. The plants held up remarkably well in the rain.
We got all of the potatoes planted. We also got a few more onions in, radishes, cilantro, beans, and carrots. I think we're ahead of our usual pace. Even the corn was planted! I'm sure they're all thrilled it was 34 degrees last night.
The kitchen was briefly taken over by potatoes as they formed a coating on their cut edge. |
The tiny things I transplanted last weekend were probably too small; some were lost but others are hanging in. The radishes at all are coming along.
The volunteer cilantro are doing better than those which I started. |
Shawn went crazy and bought fertilizer devices. One is a compost tea brewer. It uses a 5 gallon bucket and an aquarium pump as well as a few cups of compost and some catalyst. It takes 24 hours to brew and can be applied foliarly or to the roots. The first batch was enough to fertilize all of the garlic. The second batch watered the greenhouse plants. I think the garlic already looks darker green.
We spent a fair amount of time putting in irrigation, but ran out of drip tape part-way through the garlic. Then of course the rain came, so the need abated.
Shawn say evidence of cut worms, so the diatomaceous earth came out.
Diatomaceous earth applied to cabbages with a flour sifter. |
The swallows are being pestered by a flicker that insists that it wants to come inside and visit. To do so it needs to make their front door larger. They do not like it.
The young owls are growing and seemingly getting used to me walking under them.
The babies. |
The leeks look great! |
More new zucchini. |
Onions perked up. |
General overview. |
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