We have a new layout this year, and I think everyone was a little nervous. The city agreed to close down the street, so now the vendor spots bump out into it. It's going to be interesting to see how everyone gets in, because once you're set up, no one can get around you. If you're in the middle, and you're late, it could be problematic. We paid for a truck spot for the whole year, so we won't be moving around at all. Nor will we be back in our corner. We're kind of in the middle of the truck spots, on the Adams side of the gap for the library. Ours is the stand on the right in the photo, with the green canopy.
We will NOT be at market next week, but plan to return we basil the week after.
The zucchini planted a few weeks ago had to get out of its Root Trainers, even if it will be in the 30s for the next few nights. The roots were forming a mat on the tray. So we put some of them in--the yellows, star shaped (new this year), and some of the regulars. Sorry no photos; everything looks so sad after transplanting I usually like to give them a day or two before photographing them so I don't get depressed looking at the photos. Shawn also managed to get two varieties of potatoes planted. Because of all the rain this week, we weren't able to rototill anything. The rest of the garden time today (which was not rainy or as cold) was spent weeding. At least everything pulled easily!

The radishes planted back in, February was it?, are finally ready and delicious. A close look will show the flea beetle damage. All the seeds planted before the cold spell have neglected to germinate.
We did bring all the plants out again today--first time since last week. They were exposed to some pretty good wind. Almost all of them are really too big; we probably should start plants later next year. Generally, though, they have strong stems and good color. I think overall they look better than in previous years. We'll see how long we can keep it up.
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